Australian Amateur Callsigns

Australian amateur callsigns normally commence with VK followed by one digit then either two or three letters. VI or AX may be temporarily allocated for special events.

VK0 — Australian Antarctica, Heard Island, Macquarie Island
VK1 — Australian National Capital – Canberra
VK2 –New South Wales
VK3 –Victoria
VK4 –Queensland
VK5 –South Australia
VK6 –Western Australia
VK7 –Tasmania
VK8 –Northern Territory
VK9C –Cocos-Keeling Island
VK9L –Lord Howe Island
VK9M –Mellish Reef
VK9N –Norfolk Island
VK9W — Willis Island
VK9X –Christmas Island

All two letter suffix callsigns, except WI, indicate an Advanced licence – All four letter suffixes indicate the new Foundation licence.

Above Information copied from